Monday, September 12, 2005

More From Michelle...Flight 93


I too watched "The Flight That Fought Back", and while they took certain liberties that were not in evidence, I believe that the men and women aboard that flight DID put up something of a struggle, and in doing so should indeed be praised for their efforts, efforts that undoubtedly saved countless lives.

But the monument....the Red Crescent Monument that is being erected in their honor has the far right foaming at the mouth. I wasn't foaming, I disagreed with the kneejerk, hive-mind response Shooting The Messenger: Tempest Tossed Crescent... said so, and for a time believed myself the only conservative blog to have done so.

Not true. Click the above link to Michelle's blog to read the whole kerfuffle.

"Sissy Willis and Dean Esmay, both conservative bloggers I like and link to regularly, dissent from those who are troubled by the "Crescent of Embrace." Do read their critiques. Sissy Willis thinks the issue can be resolved with a name change. Dean Esmay dismisses the controversy as a "kerfuffle." Both describe critics, myself included, as "shrill."

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