Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The More Things Change, The More...

There's a NY Times or Ted Kennedy around to drive a car from a bridge and kill whomever had the audacity to spit and not swallow their spunk-yness.

"...1986, and the New York Times wrote that "Justice Rehnquist's opponents challenged his judicial ethics, his candor, his record on civil rights and individual liberty..."

Ted Kennedy was among those attacking Rehnquist: "Justice Rehnquist might have made a brilliant 19th-century chief justice, but brilliance of judicial intellect in the service of racism and injustice is no virtue in our times."

AND about Robert Bork..."In Robert Bork's America, women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rouge police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids. School children could not be taught evolution..."

We wait with bated breath the final minority, far from the mainstream opinion on the fate of Judge Roberts.

Okay, so tell me, is Chief Justice of the Supreme Court his new title or is it Chief Justice of the United States?

And from the darkness, there was heard the plaintive cry...

...no, no, we hardly know him, he's mean, insensitive, hates women and frogs...FORCE his ass to say SOMETHING....

Imagine paying all that money to keep those liberal blogs afloat and this is the best they can come up with? Kinda sad we've no competition.

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