Thursday, September 08, 2005

Since It Appears To Be Rag-On Bloggers-Day, Let's Go To The Videotape...

Michelle Mallkin was on O'Reilly last night, bemoaning the commission of a new commission to investigate and report upon the governments response to hurricane Katrina.

"The last thing we need is another dog and pony show for the usual suspects to mug for the camera's" Michelle said, and I am paraphrasing to a small extent because I left my eidectics in the bathroom and Lisa is showering and I don't want to bother her. No, I DO want to bother her but that's another deal.

Ms Malkin. Really now. Politics is nothing if not the quintessential dog and pony show and Congress is it's Circus Maximus. This is not to say it was inappropriate or even downright naive and silly beyond belief to criticize the prospect of another see-me, touch-me, feel-me opportunity for those who felt unloved as children, but criticism bears it's own responsibilities.

They WILL have a commission. It WILL be ludicrous. Suggestions should be forthcoming as how to assemble such an endeavor to fit within the existing parameters, yet bear fruit, NOT to suggest that these parameters do not, or should not exist. Now, O'Reilly's response bordered on the downright buffoonish. Gathering retired Generals to sit and listen to such a presentation is the best joke I've heard in quite some time. ANYONE truly intending to get to the heart of the matter wouldn't stand for one minute of such nonsense, and if there remains ONE group of people strongly opposed to feeding bullshit with more bullshit, it's the men and women retired from our military.

It's going to happen, and it'll be as bad as the 9-11 commission was. The NEW media's to sort through the detritus and report upon the REAL story that unfolds, not to waste time and effort kvetching that it's all a bunch of crap, because of COURSE it is. Now, I know that all of us fall into the trap of preachifying the painfully obvious, and some of us do it to be seen above the rest of the crowd, and some of us do it because we're so passionate that we feel another righteous opinion should be heard, and some of us do it because we can't think of anything else to say.

Sit back, enjoy the free show, then tell the readers the truth.

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