Sunday, September 18, 2005

So How's That Classic, Textbook Guerilla Retreat Comin' Along, Eh?

Last week we had a good laugh...hey it's better than tracking them down and saving what's left for the Associated Press' praise for the terrorist cult killers in Tal Afar. Hundreds of terrorists dead, nearly 2000 captured or wounded, and the moslem loving media putting it's best spin on how awful these baby killers are when it comes to fighting men.

"Army Colonel H. R. McMaster hailed operations in Tal Afar as a major success against an “unscrupulous” enemy.

They are some of the worst human beings on the face of the Earth, and there is no real greater pleasure for us than to kill or capture these individuals,” he said.

McMaster called the insurgents “unscrupulous.” In one incident, insurgents killed a boy and then put a bomb inside his body and detonated it when his parents came along, he said."

I've personally seen that and worse, and have never lost track, not for one nanosecond, of how bloodthirsty and totally devoid of scruples, honor, or basic human feelings these 6th Century barbarians can be. And yes, the Rottweiler took the words out of my mouth when he mentioned the adoration the wicked bitch of the west has for these monsters in human form. THEY killed Cindy's son, THEY kill lots of sons and daughters and infants and ANYTHING that can be used to further their call for the destruction of the infidels that cannot be converted into worshipping their goat fucking mad god of shitstain mountain.

Always remember that the mass media is on their side, gang, and as always we'll try and pass along information that they wouldn't touch with Mad-Mohameds pencil dick. Fact of the matter is, our men are performing at levels I could have only hoped for when the fracas began. They are weeding out the enemy wherever he hides, and killing or capturing them in record numbers.

Try this on for perspective; in 7 days the Marines in Al Anbar province killed more of the enemy then we have lost since the war began, and the Army just might equal that number themselves in Tal Afar.

Quagmire my ass, O'Reilly. Is that what YOU and the other no-nothings call a 38-1 kill ratio? We're not fighting one of the largest armies in the world that's being supplied by two other armies twice the size of ours, but even in Vietnam the word quagmire was ridiculous to use when describing the beatings the enemy took. And sure, we SHOULD be mining the Iraqi-Syrian borders but can you frickin imagine the screech coming from the Moslem-loving Cindy Shitheels of the world, backed in full by the entire media? Yes, the entire media because if you believe Fox to be on our side, take another guess. Fox is on the side of whatever gets ratings and that's why O'Reilly has been showing the white flag as of late.

Stick with us...the blogs that'll give it to you straight, and I for one will do the best I can to sort through the bullshit.

Found the above quote at Clarity & Resolve: Somewhere a fatwa pen is scratching. via Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

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