Sunday, September 11, 2005

Something Even Beyond The Ken Of Modern Science

Study Done of How Soap-Scum Clings to Lefties Who Don't Use Water

EUGENE, Ore. - Scientists have learned how molecules found in many soaps and detergents cling to the surface of water, which may help develop better methods for cleaning up environmental hazards.

The molecules are known as "surfactants" and are among the most useful chemicals in the world, found in products ranging from motor oil to cosmetics, said Geri Richmond, a University of Oregon chemist who led the research.

They are also key ingredients found in perspiration samples taken from registered Democrats, and Ms Richmond as well as many other scientists have been working feverishly to determine precisely why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, You are one bitter, sad, lonely, person, no wonder you vote republican.

To expend that much vitriol on so trivial a topic...
you must be suffering, and I pity you accordingly

Murdering one of my favorite Heinlein quotes however. That I cannot forgive.