Thursday, September 15, 2005

Tarheels For Profiling!

Okay, okay, stop already, I know. Anyone offering opinion from an entity called "The Daily Tarheel" cannot find let alone have a finger on the pulse of the matter, but the young lady promotes the painfully obvious in a cutesy sort of way and we like cutesy. Every cop, every airline security person, every hot dog vendor knows WHO it is they're really looking for, they're simply not THAT dumb. The powers that be simply don't want the lefties hassling them any more than they do already, and if Ms Cutesy really wanted to face the pinko wrath she'd post her home phone number like "Bushie" has to do and stand by to stand by.

And it's nice that the several moslems she spoke with think that racial profilling is just hunky dory, but there are MILLIONS who do NOT. She's obviously never heard of CAIR, and is too naive to know that mentioning several professors as being "all for frisk and feel" is comparing grains of sand in your swim trunks to what was left at the beach.

I'll type this slow so even a college student can grasp the meaning. MOST. MOSLEMS DO NOT. WANT. TO BE. PROFILED. And stop with the racial-schmacial already. ETHNIC is the word we're looking for here, as ALL swarthy men and women are profiled, and there are only Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Islander RACES, but MANY ethnic people. Sure, I know that Reverend Al has been trying to convince descendants of Spain that THEY are a different race, but I've been away from school for a time and don't fall for the race card as easily as Ms Cutesy. So read already:

The Daily Tar Heel - It’s sad, but racial profiling is necessary for our safety

"I want all Arabs to be stripped naked and cavity-searched if they get within 100 yards of an airport.
I don’t care if they’re being inconvenienced. I don’t care if it seems as though their rights are being violated.
I care about my life. I care about the lives of my family and friends."

There's lots more, and psst...100 yards is far too close, kiddo. And no, it is not sad or you wouldn't be pro ethnic-profiling. Gals don't do sad unless it's Lifetime. But be sure to get back to us when you don't feel it necessary to preface a bold statement with an apology, AND understand that neither race nor color has anything to do with it, but CREED does. Their holy book says infidels either convert or die. Case closed. And that's not sad either. Been happening for 1500 years, ever since Old Pedophile/Beastialiac Mo moved that mountain so he could fuck the goats he couldn't reach from below. Can look it up.

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