Sunday, March 11, 2007

John Edwards The Faggy Magician

John Edwards' Bad Edit The candidate's video sleight of hand.

"John Edwards is serious about health care. In fact, his proposal for revamping America's chaotic health-care system is more serious and detailed than any of the other candidates' plans. But when Edwards sent out a campaign video to 70,000 Iowa voters earlier this week, something caught our eye—a bit of video-editing trickery that made Edwards appear to be talking about medical care when he was really talking about Iraq..."

The hooting and shouting from his audience wasn't about health care, but for his promise to Cut & Run.

Hell, why would the average democrat care a damn about health care when they're living in mommy and daddy's basement with all the creature comforts they need. For such editing to pass the Fag-Test, ask yourself if the media were to have juxtaposed an audience response, would Edwards have thrown a prissy-fit. Of course he would.

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