Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fred Inches Closer

"FRED Thompson's progress toward becoming a Republican presidential candidate will take a step with the return of Congress from its Easter break when he meets privately with a large group of Republican House members.

GOP House leaders had prepared last year to board George Allen's campaign wagon before his defeat in Virginia for re-election to the Senate eliminated him from presidential consideration. They had been moving toward support of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, led by former Speaker Dennis Hastert's endorsement. But many have stepped back from Romney and are looking hard at Thompson. One member of the GOP leadership who had been prepared to endorse Romney is holding his fire while he considers Thompson.

A footnote: Thompson will hit the campaign trail next month in advance of any formal announcement with a May 4 speech in Orange County, Calif. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has led GOP presidential hopefuls in lining up California support."

I do not like his stand on tort reform. He has no hair. His smile looks like the inside of a well oiled catcher's mitt. He does not own a revolver of .45 caliber or larger, nor a semi-automatic above 9 mm. He has his shoes custom made, and once insulted a hot dog vendor outside of Madison Square Garden. As can be seen from the accompanying chart, his television appearances spike early on, fade towards the end of the week, so who can tell if he has any real staying power. His middle name is Dalton.

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