Saturday, April 07, 2007

Send The Illegals Home NOW

God but I had a frightening thought. I'm minding my own business over at Pat's digs, reading his latest "why illegal immigration is good for the country" post, when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I've a cousin who lives in Miami and there's sort of this deal going on where they help certain Cubans ashore down there.

You know the drill. If they make it to shore they can stay ashore. Asylum.

My ass. There are boatloads of dudes cruising the Cuban-lanes checking out the poor souls stretching it to get here, and assisting anyone with experience in the tobacco industry. Not that it's going to help. Cuban tobacco is Cuban tobacco and who gives a rats ass if they haul aboard some of the worlds greatest rollers. If the guy doesn't have Vegas Robaina Famosos seeds up his ass, I say turn him the frig back. They rave all about how a good roll is nearly important as a good tobacco and thats absolutely nuts. Damned hard enough to get good Cubans, and now they want to steal all the good tobacco workers just so I can open a box only to find some sloppy ass leafs cluttering the thing?

Hell no. Until WE can grow the same tobacco as Cuba, then send the damned rollers BACK. I'm serious about this shit so don't make me go there. I am NOT going to resort to stuffing Cuban tobacco into a goddamned pipe just because nobody in Cuba remembers how to make a cigar. And thats what pisses me off about the immigrant-lovers. They could care less about little guys like me, minding their own freakin business while illegals are ruining my quality of life.

Thanks a lot, Pat.

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Speak yer peace, fella's