Monday, October 24, 2005

Lord Hee-Haw Was On Saddam's Payroll After All...How Strange, Eh?

Independent Online Edition > Americas : app3

"George Galloway, the British MP, was last night accused of lying by a US Congressional committee when he testified earlier this year that he had not received any United Nation food-for-oil allocations from the deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

In a report issued here, Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman and his colleagues on the Senate Subcommittee for Investigations claim to have evidence showing that Mr. Galloway's political organization and his wife received vouchers worth almost $600,000 (£338,000) from the then Iraqi government.

"We have what we call the smoking gun," said Mr. Coleman, who will send the report to the US Department of Justice and the British authorities. The MP could face charges of perjury, making false statements and obstructing a Congressional investigation. Each charge carries a possible jail term of five years and a fine of $250,000."

And I sincerely hope they throw the book at the old fraud. Listening to Galloway is akin to holding back a flinch during a root canal. You want so desperately to make it through the procedure without evincing signs of distress, but sadly, it is an overwhelming experience that has broought many a strong man to tears.

Puzzles me that they could actually find someone to interpret the seemingly indecipherable ravings of His-HeeHawness, and I tip my hat to the person or persons who waded through such swill.

Link found at : lgf: lair of the odious neanderthal

PS: Yes, the insidious word-verification program is still identifying me as spamming myself.

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