Monday, October 24, 2005

Syria-L Killers

UN office doctored report on murder of Hariri - World - Times Online

"THE United Nations withheld some of the most damaging allegations against Syria in its report on the murder of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese Prime Minister, it emerged yesterday.
The names of the brother of Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria, and other members of his inner circle, were dropped from the report that was sent to the Security Council.
The confidential changes were revealed by an extraordinary computer gaffe because an electronic version distributed by UN officials on Thursday night allowed recipients to track editing changes."

Hahahahahahaha, oh this is rich. The bumbling, incompetent UNaturals can't even hide their lies well anymore, and what's the world coming to when even the UN is so very lame that it's deceit and treachery and thievery is so overt as to be as plain as the nose on Dan Rather's [forgeries yes, but still accurate] face.

"The mistaken release of the unedited report added further support to the published conclusion that Syria was behind Mr. Hariri’s assassination in a bomb blast on Valentine’s Day in Beirut. The murder of Mr. Hariri touched off an international outcry and hastened Syria’s departure from Lebanon in April after a 29-year pervasive military presence."

Whoops, we did it again, says Syria, but hey, who DIDN'T know we were a bunch of barbaric swine fellators in turbans who couldn't be trusted to coexist in the same world as modern homo sapiens?

So what do the EUrinals think of all of these Syria-L shenanigans?

France says too early for sanctions against Syria

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