Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ammo To USe When Your Moonbat Friends Begin Their Caterwauling On How The Military Is Laden With Minorities And The Poor...

Not that you HAVE moonbat friends, but just in case, you know?

* In 2003, fully 22 percent of recruits came from the wealthiest household incomes (those making between $52,000 and $200,000).

* Only 14 percent came from the poorest households.

* In racial terms, it determined that while whites make up 77.4 percent of the U.S. population of 18 year olds, they comprised 78.5 percent of the recruits.

*Between 1998 and 2004, over 98% of recruits had at least a high school diploma as opposed to 75% when considering the nation as a whole.

The lefty's scream their hatred for Rumsfeld and Bush but daren't take a peek at what the military was like when Blowjob Willy was overseeing the whole shebang. Remember all of those old photo's of military men dissing the President, you know, the one's that Snopes said were all, cough, bullshit, misinterpreted? Service people detested the man. Service people adore this administration.

Case frickin closed. For this subject. We'll get along to raving about something else soon,

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