Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Bill Clinton Calls Iraq 'Big Mistake'

What's up, Bubba? Time to wag the dog again? Wasn't a mistake when YOU were bombing them back to the stone age whenever Monica's name came up, was it? Wasn't a mistake when you and your Gore were telling Congress that Soddamed Stupid was the second coming of Hitler, was it?

On Sunday's Meet the Press, Ted Kennedy was read a transcript of Clinton's warning that Iraq was in essence a weapon of mass destruction waiting to explode, but without being told it was from Blowjob Bubba himself and was all over the "lies"

He nearly shat himself when Tim Russert said it was Clinton, and that's the problem the loony left is experiencing as they once again try to rewrite history. Not that that fatass moonbat Russert is anything to crow about, but even HE had to point out that what Bush said had been said many times before and by DEMOCRATS, and LIBERAL democrats at that.

Amazing how we have two ex-Presidents traveling the world and dissing America. Both liberals of course, because liberals pretty much hate America and won't be truly happy until we exchange the stars and stripes for a modern day version of the hammer and sickle.

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