Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Box O' Truth...

It's a fun look-see. Sure, they insist on using antiquated ammunition for the most part but shooting things is just damned fun.

I won't get into the modern way of holding an M16...shooting arm in so close it's resting on the strong side of the body, thus picking up the tremor from the heart's beating and making accurate shooting impossible. Came into favor for clearing close quarters situations, small rooms, etc, or lots of places I'd toss the long gun for a sidearm. Then again, what I refer to as accurate shooting is a kentucky mile from fooling with 'sploding water containers, so I won't get into it. Nope. If you gotta be all hunched over and tucked like a turtle then you're using the wrong weapon system. But I won't...

By the way, did I tell you I went 11-3 with my football picks? Oh.

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