Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Breck-Boy Speaks...

John Breck-Boy Edwards, courtesy of the Washington Post, the other liberal bastion of all that sucks.

Johnny wants everyone to know he was wrong about Iraq so he can go back to felatting the leftwing blogs and raise some cash.

The Right Way in Iraq

"George Bush won't accept responsibility for his mistakes. Along with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, he has made horrible mistakes at almost every step: failed diplomacy; not going in with enough troops; not giving our forces the equipment they need; not having a plan for peace. . . "

"We also need to show Iraq and the world that we will not stay there forever. We've reached the point where the large number of our troops in Iraq hurts, not helps, our goals."


We didn't have enough because we have too many. If we had more troops in Iraq it would have been much better because more was worse so we should have sent in less after we sent in more.

And because fair is fair, James Taranto of Best of the Web ran the same Edwards Full Frontal Smegmation as well.

I know, I know, I just get all fussy when I've got something ready to go and find out someone else is featuring the same thing. I used to email them first and ask if it was okay, like I didn't have the right to find stuff too, and I'm not THAT anal anymore but still don't wish to be thought of as poaching.

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