Thursday, November 10, 2005


"The most cosseted, self-indulgent, worthless people in the universe are worried their suffering has been downgraded. For 50 years Hollywood drama queens have churned out plays, movies, TV shows, books, poems, allegories, museum exhibits, personal testimonials, dioramas, interpretive dances, wood carvings, cave paintings, needlepoint wall hangings and scatological limericks about their victimization at the hands of a brute named Joe McCarthy.

Schoolchildren who will learn nothing about George Washington, Thomas Edison or Paul Revere are forced to read chapter and verse about the black night of fascism (BNOF) under McCarthy. But half a century of myth-making later, one little book comes out and gives the contrary view — and Hollywood thinks it's Treblinka.

George Clooney, writer and director of the rebuttal, claims he was driven to make the movie "Good Night, and Good Luck" because "a book came out about how great McCarthy was.

Q: Ann Coulter's "Treason"?

GC: Yes.

Liberals haven't been so alarmed by a book since "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Still, I was shocked. I did not know that George Clooney could read."

Anne's her usual hoot and a half, and wowser but it must be one helluva kudo to have a big hollywood star make a movie because he was so frickin pissed at your book. If you're tinckling on hollywoods me-me-me parade then you're at least on the right track, not that Ann needed to know that, but still and all.

Now, I was too young to remember the hearings, but my father, as well as pretty much anyone else I asked about it, told me that the man in the street was cheering old Joe on to beat the band.

They'd watch TV, and shouts of "Go get-em JOE!" could be heard from many an open window as people delighted to the scouring of communist subversives. Trouble with Clooney's flick is that he can't seem to find anyone from hollywood that was wrongfully accused, so he does what they ALL do when faced with the facts.

Make things up as you go along, because a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants is what the people want to see anyway, not some boring ass movie about non-existent folks who were never harmed in any way shape or form.

PS: My Dad was a lifelong Democrat and ask me sometime about how he and I campaigned for JFK.

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