Sunday, November 13, 2005

Darwin on Display: Museum to Showcase Evolution Amid Controversy

There IS no controversy aside from the media having fun with promoting lunatic flat-earthers. They've been around for quite some time and only raise their infantile heads when the press agrees to give them ink so that conservatives as a whole may be laughed at.

Nowhere. Else. In the world. Does ANYONE believe that intelligent design is anything more than a preposterous fable created for those who still believe in tooth fairies. Ah, but that's what makes America great. We let the lunatics have a crack at running the asylum because it can be so very much fun to watch.

Darwin's theory of Natural Selection remains a theory, but evolution is proven every time a virus evolves into a strain we cannot deal with and then the lunatic LEFT has a go at complaining about us being unready.

Which is the most strain on a modern biologist? The creepy right that argues against evolution or the creepy left that argues against us STILL evolving?'s a hint why the moonies don't like the fact that we are all still evolving: SOME folks might be evolving more than others and to good little communists that's the real SIN.

SOME of our brothers and sisters, you see, remained in one location, quite inbred, and haven't progressed as far as others.

You mean West Virginians? No. Well...

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