Friday, November 11, 2005

Fisking Mary Mapes And Memo-Gate...

MemoGate - Duty to Tell the Truth

Emily Will was the document examiner that Mary Mapes asked to look at the forged Bush National Guard memo's and fisks Ms Mapes new book on the subject.

Page 167: "Concerned, I asked her what the trouble was.She said she had done research on the Internet about President Bush's military record and found that he had been in Alabama at the time those documents were written, so there was no way they could be true."

"Book version is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. What did happen is that in our conversation on Sunday I outlined several problems with two questioned signatures, and with the typescript of the documents, including the superscripting and the proportional spacing, and I said that I had been researching online to determine the earliest date of production of typerwiters offering those features."

Ms Mapes continues to be as sloppy as a person can be, and there's LOTs more. Have a look.

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