Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - Politics - SF Voters Pass Gun Ban; Oust Military Recruiters

San Francisco has de facto seceded from the Union with it's approach to prevent military recruiters from high school and college campuses, and while it isn't going to happen...schools would lose all federal's another stab in the Founding Father's back.

Handguns are used by criminals to commit crimes the world over. San Francisco has now banned the sale and manufacture of such weapons in their fairy, strike that, fair city, which of course has the criminals terribly worried that in order to afford the illegal purchase of their next handgun, they'll have to mug an extra old lady or two just to make ends meet.

Want WON'T be talked about very much is the almost guaranteed RISE in firearm related violence once this ban kicks in. The media doesn't talk about it when other bastions of sheepledom such as Chicago experience such an increase, and we certainly won't hear a peep from the now vulnerable San Franciscans.

It's the law, you know. Passing a law means all is well. If someone owns or uses a handgun then that means they're terrible people and we'll know who NOT to invite to our next parade.

Helps in keeping down the cost of those expensive invitations.

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