Sunday, November 27, 2005

Highlights From The Religion of

Jihad du Jour (News of the Day)

Iraqis Campaigning in Spite of Violence...
Sharia Comes to California...
Chinese Prisoner Humiliated as Qur'an is Read...
U.S. Rep. Says al-Qaeda Operative Captured at Mexican Border...
'Islamic Personality of the Year' Prays to 'Terminate' Jews...
Is Jacko Going Muslim?...
Christians Join Protest Against Kidnapping, Forced Conversion of Hindu Girls...

I'm just so glad that someone is keeping a running tally of moslem atrocities around the world, ya know? Was threading through GlockTalk the other day and came across a post from a world class bigot proclaiming how he's rather buy his firearms from "commie" countries than Israel, because of all the terrorist things the Jews do. His source? Say's he saw lotsa things at Yahoo news about how badly the Jews have been treating the Palestinians, and right before my eyes I saw the effect of the mainstream media at work. Here's a guy barely capable of spelling Cat if you spotted him the c and the t, and he's an expert on middle eastern affairs from reading Yahoo.

"If'n the damned jews would have left the arabs alone we wouldn't have had 9/11."

Think I'll toss a link to in my profile at GlockTalk. Couldn't hurt, and all of us must do what we can to fend off the bullshit from the like of the ASSociated Press, and al-Reuters.

Anyway, 3,321 islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11. And counting. But it's just a few of them. Bare handful. Most of the moslem world loves us. Yes.

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Speak yer peace, fella's