Thursday, November 17, 2005

If It's Thursday...Then It Must Be Time For...


ACLU’s War Against National Security

by Jay on 11-17-05 @ 12:16 am Filed under War On Terror, News

In conjunction with the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the ACLU has lobbied hard against Arab-profiling at airports for years. “Profiles are notoriously under-inclusive,” says ACLU legislative counsel Gregory Nojeim. “Who knows who the next terrorist will appear as? It could be a grandmother. It could be a student. We just don’t know.”Source

It could be a "grandmother"? Whose grandmother? Saddam's? bin Ladin's? And sorry, but if old granny looks like she COULD be of middle eastern descent and is lurking with what seems to be a pronounced bulge around her waist, then sure, use some common sense and check her out.

Sweet christ but these people task me.

Click the link to read it all.

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