Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Israel Strikes Back

Israeli Warplanes Hit Targets in Lebanon - Yahoo! News

JERUSALEM - "Israeli said its warplanes struck in Lebanon on Tuesday in what Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz described as the largest-scale Israeli response to cross-border attacks by Lebanese guerrillas since 2000.

Mofaz spoke just hours after Israeli fighter jets attacked a command post of Hezbollah guerrillas in south Lebanon and after army bulldozers entered Lebanon to demolish a Hezbollah post just north of the community of Ghajar.

Hezbollah and the Lebanese army denied Israeli warplanes struck in southern Lebanon on Tuesday. Israeli warplanes struck a number of Hezbollah targets Monday, Israeli security officials said.

The Israeli strike came a day after the Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah fired mortars and rockets toward the Israeli-Lebanese border, wounding 11 Israeli soldiers and damaging a house in an Israeli border community. The shelling sent thousands of Israeli civilians into bomb shelters. Israeli return fire killed four Hezbollah guerrillas."

Okay, I've been spending some time doing the math and it isn't looking good for the Islam. Sure, they weathered the Crusades because it took Europe forever to fight back and reclaim lands "absorbed" by the ever-expanding moslem onslaught, but the weapons of yesteryear pale in comparison to the heavy duty shit they're up against now.

So, by my calculations, if they keep blowing themselves up and launching their poory aimed missiles, the year 2009 will see approximately 12 men of fighting-service age remaining in all of the 72-Virgins-R-Us world. Yeah, yeah, they procreate like rabbits on viagra but one of these days they'll call a jihad and only the women will be left to answer.

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