Saturday, November 12, 2005

Just A Few Little Hamlets...

Wow. Those youths realy get around eh? The above pic represents the areas torched by the enraged moslem kids and one wonders if their parents are letting them out of the house with lighter fluid and gasoline and thinking that they're going to pep rallies. Fantastic planning and quite expensive one would imagine. Especially since the price of gas in France is like 10 bucks a gallon. And those bomb factories the cops are finding can't be cheap to build.

Wait a minute. You thinking what I'm thinking? What's that, you say there's a bunch of ringleaders handing out cash and resources and maps and getting them from one place to another? Have you told this to the French? Ah, yeah, I know. France doesn't take collect calls. Not for ANY reason?

True, Saddam's locked up and he's the one who had all the private numbers.

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Speak yer peace, fella's