Saturday, November 19, 2005

An Open Source By Any Other Name Would Still Smell As Odious...

"There are other Open Sources. A gentleman named Christopher Lydon has an excellent web site called Open Source. His URL is, and he graciously agreed to give us"

And the reply from Mr. Lydon?

"This is just not true. And weird. We didn’t graciously agree to give them anything. We’ve never talked to them. They didn’t answer our email."

Now how in the sam hill did the Pajama dudes publish that statement? They can't even vett themselves? Is this just a version of Charles claiming...with a disclaimer...that sources had told him of a ground to air missile attack on a plane leaving attack that never happened?

They hear that the REAL Open Source guy is way pissed so they change their why-THIS-name approach by adding the following:

"Due to a miscommunication, OSM inadvertently wrote on our site that Christopher Lydon of Radio Open Source “graciously agreed” with us to give up the url This is incorrect. He gave up the use of that url entirely of his own volition and after no discussion with us. We had never contacted him before he took his action."

We apologize to Mr. Lydon for this error on our part.

They contacted him before they never contacted him? After all the jokes about John Kerry, they've the cajones to pull such a stunt?

This is what happens when bloggers strive to be something they ain't. They turn into what they've been bitching about. Talk about haughty. Cool word, haughty. Should use it more often.

UPDATE: Yes, I know you've all been waiting with baited breath and at long last Roger Simon has asked for a sit-down with Christopher Lydon. Memo to Chris: If he shows up with a biggest, ugliest man you've ever seen and even ONCE mentions an offer you can't refuse, call me at once. It's probably my little brother, the cute one in the family, and I'll handle things from there.

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