Thursday, November 10, 2005

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today

Or, as it SHOULD be called henceforth, Best of the Politically Correct Nonsense Today. Check it:

"This jaw-dropping quote, from Walter Murphy, McCormick Professor in Jurisprudence Emeritus at Princeton, appeared yesterday in the Daily Princetonian, a student newspaper (bracketed verbiage and ellipsis in original):

"Sam is his own man," Murphy said. "He'll never be 'Scalito.' And then it's a gross insult to say in the mold of [other conservative and constructionist justice] Clarence Thomas. Their IQs are so radically different . . . We're not talking about someone in Sam's intellectual league."

Barely a decade ago, Charles Murray stirred up rage on the left with his academic discussion of racial differences in IQ in "The Bell Curve." Today it apparently is acceptable in the Ivy League to insult the intelligence of specific black people by stereotyping them as having low IQs. We're all for honest discussion of racial matters, but Murphy's uninhibited expression of racial prejudice doesn't strike us as evidence of progress."

So, saying one man is smarter than another man is racist should one of the men in question be black?


I've met black men who were smarter than me, and does that mean I'M racist for saying that? Should caucasians the world over cringe because one of their own isn't the brightest bulb in the socket and admits it? Should people refrain from commenting upon someone's intelligence because it could indicate that someone else is not as intelligent? Especially, heavens forbid, if that someone is black?

Son of Huh?

This nitpicking to the nines to find racist comments from liberals is really being stretched to it's limits and beyond. Way beyond.

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