Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Religion of Burn-Baby-Burn Torches Christian Churches...

Muslim Crowd Burns Two Pakistan Churches

LAHORE , Pakistan (AP) - Hundreds of Muslims attacked and burned two churches in Pakistan on Saturday after reports that a Christian man had desecrated Islam's holy book. No one was injured in the blazes. A school, student hostel and the home of a priest were also torched by the crowd of about...

As soon as ANY story begins with "hundreds of moslems" you just know that the ending can't be good. Hundreds means bravery, and bravery to a moslem means burning down girls' dormatories because , after all, not only are the female, but Christians as well.

But remember, this isn't how the majority of moslems think and act, just a handful. Couple hundred million or so. Lots less people than live in China. So it's really a minority.


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