Friday, November 11, 2005

Robbing Four Banks, on the Phone All the While

By Tom JackmanWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, November 11, 2005; Page A01

"When it comes to multitasking, it's hard to beat the woman who can rob a bank and never interrupt her cell phone conversation.

In an act of either incredible cool or something much more sinister, a young woman has robbed four Wachovia bank branches in Northern Virginia in recent weeks, all while seemingly immersed in cell phone chats, police say. In the most recent holdup, on Nov. 4 in Ashburn, video footage shows the woman to be almost uninterested as a teller hands her a stack of cash, and she continues talking on her phone as she turns and walks out of the bank."

This is news? A woman not putting down the phone for hell nor high water?

Kidding. Come on. You know it's true. I caught ya trying not to smile.

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