Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Senator Edward Kennedy On Why He Doesn't Favor A Litmus Test For Judges Unless It's His Litmus Test:

...OR...I disapproved of a litmus test before I approved of a litmus test...

"I am opposed to any litmus test for any nominee. That's been any my position.

But let me continue. Anyone that would have a position overturn roe v. Wade is going to also have a position of questioning issues on privacy and the liberty clause of the constitution of the united states. I have sat through 22 supreme court nominations. You're never going to get someone that is just going to have one view about a particular kind of issue. If they have a particular issue, that position with regards to one position, they're going to undermine the whole issues of privacy which is basically the reason that the constitution was written, because we are a country that wants to preserve our privacy and our individual rights and liberties. So the answer is, yes, i couldn't support someone that had that not just because of the roe v. Wade, which I basically support, but because they — if they had that view, the view about privacy that cross other important areas."

Forget for a moment that drunken old Teddy's view of the Constitution is as ridiculous as ridiculous gets, for we all know how liberals like the touch-feely, smoochie-woochie, living-breathing version of that document because it allows them to make shit up as they go along.

And, in other words, damn right he favors a litmus test because he's as racist and bigoted as they come. Litmus paper, by the way is a small strip that is used in laboratories as well as poolside and for aquarium enthusiasts. The paper will turn one color or another depending upon what medium it is introduced to. Unlike Senator Kennedy, who didn't even have the common decency to turn even a hint of red as he lied about the woman he killed while driving drunk.

Can ANY liberal politician provide a straight answer? Silly question. Politics is akin to selling used cars...lying with a straight face is a highly desireable trait...but can they at least stick to one lie and remember it?

Then again why bother. He's got a job for life because he represents people of like mind. Think Frenchmen living in the northeast and you've got the right picture.

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