Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Stop-The-ACLU Get's The Ad Out...

Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » Start Spreading The News

Start Spreading The News
by Jay on 11-23-05 @ 1:09 pm Filed under Uncategorized

"Remember that full page ad in the Washington Times Weekly you all gave me money for? Well its out there somewhere. Its on the backpage, and in color in this week’s issue. One small snag for me. I can’t find a copy anywhere! I wanted to scan it and show it to you all, but I’m having a real hard time finding a copy. We did contact them and asked for a copy, but it could be a few days before we get it. If anyone out there can hunt down a copy, it is not the Daily, but the Washington Times Weekly, it would be awesome if you could email me, and we could get a picture of it up on the internet."

And as soon as Jay or someone else posts the ad we'll crank up a link to it. With the MSM going all out in it's push to rewrite history, all we've got are blogs like Jay's to tell us the real deal, and when the smoke is clear, when all is said and done, and when the chicken's come home to roost, history will look back on the birth of blogdom in awe.

Well, maybe in Huh? because there ARE the Kos Kids too.

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Speak yer peace, fella's