Monday, November 07, 2005

Too Funny

Misha's take on the latest from the French insurrection as conducted by those poverty striken, underprivileged, jobless, rapscallion youths is a thing to behold:

Fwench prime minister Dominique de Villepin [who, rumor has it, is a man - M.] insists that it isn’t time to call out the army yet (don’t be too hard on the little darling. After all, not even a full-scale invasion by the Germans was reason enough to call out the army), but he has another plan to stop the moose-limb riots almost going into their third week now.

He’s going to impose curfews! And if that isn’t enough, he’ll ground the mooselimb “youths” for a week and revoke their MTV privileges! Surely the “youths” who somehow didn’t feel too inhibited by a law against pouring gasoline over aging cripples and setting them on fire will respond to a curfew by going home and playing hide the shish kebob with their pet goats instead.

"The tough new measures came as France’s worst civil unrest in decades entered a 12th night, with rioters in the southern city of Toulouse setting fire to a bus after sundown and pelting police with gasoline bombs and rocks."

Maybe the surrender monkeys should’ve tried a “curfew” against the Wehrmacht back in ‘40, then? Well, who knows? Maybe they did. They couldn’t possibly have lost any quicker to the Germans if they tried. For all that we know, the major difficulty the Nazis encountered back then was that their Panzers tended to overheat when driven at top speed for days.

It's long, it's all-inclusive, and it's a laugh-riot. Misha cracking wise on the mooselimbs.

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