Sunday, November 13, 2005

Top Ten Reasons To Stop The ACLU

Click in and have a read, please. Monstrous organization founded by communists and dedicated to the overthrow of everything American. I shit you not.

Second Amendment? WHAT Second Amendment? Terrorists? What terrorists? Kiddy-Porn? What Kiddie-Porn?

"In October of 2004, the ACLU turned down $1.15 million in funding from two of it’s most generous and loyal contributors, the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, saying new anti-terrorism restrictions demanded by the institutions make it unable to accept their funds.
“The Ford Foundation now bars recipients of its funds from engaging in any activity that “promotes violence, terrorism, bigotry, or the destruction of any state.”

The Rockefeller Foundation’s provisions state that recipients of its funds may not “directly or indirectly engage in, promote, or support other organizations or individuals who engage in or promote terrorist activity.”

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Speak yer peace, fella's