Tuesday, December 06, 2005

And Now A Word From The Delapidated Dems...

But don't for a moment believe that they are truly in disarray in determining the best policy for Iraq. What John Kerry proved during his campaign was the fact that they MUST straddle the fence because their platforms of Cut, Run, Abortions For All, Raise Taxes, and Protect The Guilty are hardly ingrained American values. The pundits would have you think that there is a genuine dissent among the Democratic Party, but in reality it's nothing more than same old politics. To truly dissent one must first have strong beliefs in order to generate a true debate, and these people have nothing but the classic used-car salesmans approach to hoping that the smoke and mirrors hide the clunker they want you to buy.

Howard Dean is emphatic that we are losing the war in Iraq, and even for him that is a stretch beyond the bounds of credulity. Such blathering is to generate donations from the craziest of the crazies, while the Meet-Me-Behind-The Barracks Obama approach is to say it's too soon to tell what the future might bring, but for now we're definitely on the wrong path, and this pleases the less insane Bush haters who nod in agreement because THEY haven't a clue what to do either.

James Taranto of BEST OF THE WEB is featuring such shenanigans, and since he has less of a problem publishing than I do here at Booger, why not head on over and have a look-see.

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