Saturday, December 03, 2005

Another poor yute mistakenly kills someone over a misunderstanding...

Another punk from the hood was arrested for capping a man who dissed him when asked for a cigarette, and here's the tale of woe...

December 3, 2005 -- An alleged Bloods gang member — already a suspect in the
death of his girlfriend and a plot to kill his stepfather — was charged
yesterday with killing a Queens man over a cigarette.

Devendra Singh, 26, allegedly gunned down Ryan Varma on Nov. 19 outside Mingles
Bar on 101st Avenue. The wild shooting occurred hours after Varma, 27,
innocently asked Singh for a cigarette, which police sources said made Singh
feel "disrespected."
The poor yute. All he wanted was a smoke and when none were forthcoming what's a blood to do but waste the dude?
Singh was in a Jeep with friends riding away from the bar at about 4 a.m.
when he pulled out a .25-caliber handgun and fired six to eight shots at Varma,
striking him once in the back, prosecutors said.
The trigger-happy thug told cops he just wanted to scare Varma — not kill him —
claiming he didn't know he hit Varma until being questioned in the murder,
sources said.

He empties his mousegun into a fleeing mans back and just wanted to scare him.

How sad. How tragic that the man thought to run rather than simply hand over his smokes. His girlfriend dies, the cops suspect him in a plot to kill his stepfather, and he drops a dude over some smokes. Then was allowed to roam the streets looking for another victim, and that, my dear friends, is one of the reasons why we need animal control far more than gun control. The guns will always be there, but the animals we can keep locked away. Dollars to doughnuts this monstrosity disguised as a human being gets handled with kid gloves by some weepy judge, exits the penal system after doing chump-change time, kills someone else, and then the loony left starts yet another cry to ban the weapons he and other like him employ to terrorize society.

1 comment:

Speak yer peace, fella's