Sunday, December 04, 2005

Back to the heavy lifting...Marriot refues to rent conference room for anti-moslem group...

Keith Thomas, Marriott Special Services Department, Corporate Headquarters,
November 16, 2005: “Due to the high density of Muslim students on the Georgetown
campus, members of the staff at Marriott Georgetown were afraid of the potential
for violent protests, injured hotel employees and property damage. This is the
official stance of the Marriott Corporation.”

Charles over at LGF has the links to the full story, and since he's a bigtime Pajama dude is fleshing out his comments a tad. No more...moslems were bad here's the link...but I liked him lots better when he was just a bike riding fool who took bad pictures.

As far as the story goes, well what in the sam hill did anyone expect? Marriot is a private business, can refuse service to anyone, and why should they want one of their hotels trashed by moslem thugs? If one finds this offensive, then one need not give them any business.

But that isn't the story. It's not about a company wishing to fend off disaster, it's about radical Islam, and yes, the MSM should be featuring this but they won't so on to something else.

Several things; who the hell are these guys from Peoples Truth Forum anyway, and will LGF followup on why they just didn't find another hotel? Did ALL the local hotels refuse them as well? Will Charles clue us in to the brave company that DOES allow Peoples Truth some space for their conference?

That's what real journalists do, and if you're going to criticize them for spotty reporting then you've got to be better, not worse. Sorry, I'm not in the mood to go looking through 3 diferent links for the whole story because they'll just link to someone else, ad infinitum.

Was I this hard on LGF before the Pajama Party fiasco? Hell no. That was before GRAVITAS. Old saying; the higher the monkey climbs in the tree the more his ass shows. Put yourself in the spotlight and you better be able to stare into it without blinking, and sorry, but Charles Johnson isn't ready for prime time.

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