Sunday, December 04, 2005

George Will on bad laws, dumb politicians and why gas is really quite cheap all things considered

"A Locrian who proposed any new law stood forth in the assembly of the people with a cord round his neck, and if the law was rejected, the innovator was instantly strangled."

— Edward Gibbon
"The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

George Will dispenses an excellant summary of why gasoline prices really aren't all that bad, and how the oil companies really aren't gauging, and while it is all good, he, as do most conservatives, forgets or doesn't really know that energy costs are not comparable to the price of coca cola or Starbucks coffee. We can do quite well without them, but not so well sans gasoline. The perfect example of why conservatives are thought to be rather heartless.

Most if not all of the debate between our elected officials and the oil barons should have been behind closed doors, but they, like columnists, must present their work for public scrutiny in order to garner the necessary platitudes to remain popular.

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