Saturday, December 10, 2005

I grow fatigued

Must be what's wrong. Today I can think of nothing better to do than take in the sunshine, and none of the news stories or other bloggers tales of woe have stirred me even the slightest bit. I could go shoot. I could take a drive and walk the beach. Or go check out one of the reloading presses I've had an eye on. Point is I could think of a dozen other things that usually floats my boat, but if I can't even summon a decent rant about Howard Dean or Pajamas Media then this must mean I should simply curl up with a good book and take it as a sign that real people actually chill out now and again and it is not a bad thing.

The table in the foyer...I know these things because the better half refers to it as the foyer-table...could use a good wax down. You know, strip the sucker and have a go at it.

I just don't wanna.

Fuck. Am I becoming a democrat?

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