Monday, December 05, 2005

NYC's Weepy Gun Laws...

NYC has the toughest gun laws on the books, right?

Wrong. The laws are only tough on the law abiding but quite lenient for the criminal.

Can't legally carry a gun in NYC if you're an honest citizen because in liberal towns honest citizens are way in the back of the bus when it comes to protection.

Can't send a gun trafficker to prison if he has less than 20, count 'em, 20 illegal guns for sale. 19 is a misdemeanor. Same as first time shoplifting. Get caught selling 19 guns and get a heavy fine with a suspended sentence. After probation, get caught with another 19 and it isn't a cumulative offense but back to square one. Just another misdemeanor charge, a fine, and a suspended sentence.

Why? Because the vast majority of gun dealers are minorities...take it from a hometown boy that knows...and slapping heavy penalties on minorities is a no-no. The Jews, Irish, and the Italians were all part of what would become organized crime in NYC, and if your name has a vowel at the end, a Mc at the beginning, or even if you like saying "oy" a lot you're slapped with racketeering charges if caught with ANY number of illegal handguns. The way around a heavy sentence is to have the "minorities" handle the actual buying and selling of illegal guns because they won't get a third of the time for twice the crime. Same with street drugs and pretty much anything that would send a "majority" criminal to Sing Sing for 10-20.

Is it as bad in that other bastion of lunacy? Don't know for sure because I didn't grow up on the streets of LA, but from what I have seen, you can kill 4 innocent people and Hollywood will rush to your defense because you were misunderstoond and underprivleged.

Right, Tookie?

Read all about it...or all that the Post will tell you:

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

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