Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Peeking At The PJ's...

So you don't have to. Had to do it. Was getting bits and pieces of what was going on over there and found it too hard to believe so I, yes, I clicked in.

There's a Ms Tammy Bruce remembering Pearl Harbor Day by kissing Euro ass to beat the band. She's so sorry, sniff, that we didn't rush to save Europe sooner than we did and what that's got to do with December 7th is beyond my comprehension.

Meanwhile, two ugly fat guys are having a slap fest discussing the war, and if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times; if this low-rent, humorless, souless, pansy ass rendition of a conservative web log is all they can come up with then Katy bar the door.

Bad theater. No oomph, no drive, no in your face. Just sniffles. I don't care if it was oil for food money stolen from the friggin UN that financed this atrocity...give it back, apologize, and move on.

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