Sunday, December 11, 2005

Phil Mushnick On the Prancing, Posing, Pigskin Pretenders

New York Post Online Edition: sports

"Keep in mind that football is the ultimate team sport; 22 men acting at once. This isn't baseball or basketball. Once the ball is snapped, nothing happens by itself.

That's why the immodest — the muscle-flexers, the chest-pounders, the end-zone demonstrators and all others inclined to steal the spotlight — are antithetical to their sport. They're fools whom this kingdom will not indulge.

And because football is the ultimate team game, that is why we'll present a minimum number of individual performance graphics."

Complain all you want, Phil, the networks decide who gets the air-time and the dancing dunces have totally taken over the field. Time was when they'd feature one of these clowns during a boring game, but now they ARE the game. It is, after all, a complicated sport (what big fat guys will push aside the other big fat guys)and far easier to understand when punctuated by the pinheads preening before the unwashed masses of morons.

Funny thing is, even the clueless kids are tiring of these lame brains but the networks have disremembered how to cover football without featuring the geek shows first and foremost.

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