Sunday, December 04, 2005

Philly Streets Packed With 'Rocky' Hopefuls

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - No one had to sprint up the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps or spar in a meat locker. All the hundreds of fans who packed the Philadelphia streets Saturday for an open casting call for extras for the new "Rocky" movie needed was a picture, a resume and a simple message that...

Reminds me of when De Laurentis was filming his gods awful remake of King Kong. I guess a hundred thousand or so folks showed up to be in the crowd scenes, and they kept moving me to the rear because the actors kept confusing me with the dead giant ape. In one of the versions I've seen I'm clearly visible, but it wasn't me picking my nose, but the guy next to me. I was clearly scratching my ass.

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Speak yer peace, fella's