Thursday, December 01, 2005

So I'm Sitting Here...

...trying to scan a picture from the latest issue of Guns magazine. Page 28, and the latest helpful hint from poserwannabe, strike that, professional weapons trainer Clint Smith. The pic is just so huge we're going to have to play close-your-eyes and imagine-this...

Two dudes in the picture.Both facing downrange and one of them is reaching for a spare magazine to reload his AR. Caption:

"When reloading, learn to do so while keeping your eyes on the threat."

Huh? So lemme get this straight; I've just cranked off 20 or 30 rounds at the "threat" and am now reloading. I'm either the worst shot since Barney Frickin' Fife, or missplaced the memo about the Chinese reforming the Red Dragon Division and to give them some target practice they've camped out in my front yard.

This is what folks are paying mega-bucks to learn at these Thunder Ranches, and Gunsites, and Teach Granny How To Disarm A Rapist farms?

How to hold off dozens of armed men hell bent on rifling my desk drawer for the key to the locker I hide my Playboys in?

CITIZEN self-defense is 99.9999999% of the time a one-on-one affair. Well, in the interest of fair play, affairs should be one on one unless the wife is into, well, you know, but who has the time on his or her hands to practice militia-boys-go-to-war, when the REAL threats are cracked out zombies looking to snag a fat wallet? You want to learn how to repel boarders join the friggin Navy. You want to learn how to protect yourself take a good firearms class from someone teaching real-world shit.

I'd show you but I've got to go to bed early tonight. Christmas shopping with the better half tomorrow. I get to carry stuff. Then if I've been good a nice salty pretzel.

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