Saturday, December 03, 2005

Tersting this shit out, so pardon my sorry ass while I futz.

Problem is formatting, always formatting. Google's quotation deal sucks bigtime so I'm trying to figure out a different way to add quoted passages without them being all over the frickin' page, so here goes:

Pajamas Media issued a press release today apologizing to all bloggers of good will for seriously eye-fucking them to hell with their retarded, bloated, egotistical bullshit.
Now see, that sucks. Lemme try something else:
Roger Simon at long last came clean that he did indeed carry a spare gerbil under his hat, but declined to offer an explanation why.
That's even worse, but here's the deal; I won't know what it really looks like until I "publish" the thing.
Gonna look and I'll brb.
Back, and since Booger can take up to 5 hours to publish I haven't a clue if the changes I made have taken yet.
I really gotta get a high speed connection and then a real blog.
Nah. No matter how I try and double space between the make-believe quotes and the text, it just scrunches everything together as it damn well pleases. Maybe it's just this particular template. Ann Althouse seems to do a damned good job of using Booger, so perhaps I need to switch templates.

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