Monday, December 12, 2005

Time For A Quick Whiz

While Steve over at Hog On Ice is doing a bang-up job of putting the snerty snots of slovenly stupidity in their place concerning the Weblog Awards, I felt the need, nay, the urge, the primordial yearning to drop two cents down the toll chute of persnikitty'ness for persnikitty'ness sake as well.

Yes, it is true that 99.999% of all bloggers are adolescent boys communicating from their parents basement and because of this I do not attach all that much bile to reporting upon the hubris that passes for blogging nowadays. Blogs remain diaries for the attention seekers of the universe who'd not receive anything resembling kudos elsewhere, so it might be fair to say that such a thing as a Weblog Award would be sacrosanct to both the presenters and the hopefuls.

The response Steve is getting from pissing in their keg of wonderment is therefore laden with delusions of grandeur, and I'd be surprised if this were not so. He reminds them of the greater world awaiting all those who'd venture past the modem of immortality, and as all refugees from participation they vociferously object to his daring to intrude upon their fantasy's, he in turn takes umbrage, and the circle of calamity is complete.

I stopped reading Wizbang...the proprietor of these major awards...nearly a year ago and have not ventured into that domain since. They do point the way towards things of interest, but no more or less so than other blogs, and since I could no longer tolerate the ignorant chest thumpings I did what most responsible people would do; I stopped coming back and left it at that. Now, Steve H. is by far the better writer than the vast majority of these pretentious twits, but is far too mature to participate in the blogdom olympics and will never be a hit monster because of his inability to osculate where the sun don't shine. There's a lot to be said for someone who maintains a level of independance, and while not agreeing with every bloody thing he utters, I more oft times than not find enough common ground to continue venturing into Hog and perhaps it's precisely because it is an escape hatch from the mundane. Mutual admiration society's are boring as hell, and I find it hard to believe that so very many people share the EXACT same opinion, pretty much ALL of the time.

"Gentlemen, you run a BLOG. You are not in charge of the universe. Try and understand the difference," the Head Hog proclaims, thinking of course about the real world and not the Oz the internet has created in it's place. And as all men caught behind the curtain, our Weblog Awards wizards, or Whizbangers as the case might be, do not merely disagree, they shrivel from the light of day hurling reproachments befitting far more calamitous events.

It's a small, secretive, and clueless club...think of Robin's Merry Men sans Robin. Blogging is fun when, and only when it is spontaneous and from the gut. Doesn't have to be literary, or poetic, or laden with meaning beyond all meaning, but it does have to be honest. Or as honest as we can be when faced with the prospect of many people sharing what's being expressed. People can spot a phony a mile away and very many of the older blogs owe their popularity to being the only kids on the block back when it was all new and exciting and who gave a rats ass.

Get too serious about yourself and the next thing you know you'll be calling yourself a pajamadeen, while looking for all the world to see as a Howard Dean.


This is, I think, what people in the know refer to as a trackback. I on the other hand have not a clue, nor do I want one on what it really means because then I'm a geek. Or someone under the age of 45 who actually knows how to run stuff like this without calling for help.

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