Monday, December 12, 2005

You're Terminated, Fucker...

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency for Williams

SAN FRANCISCO - "Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday refused to spare the life of Stanley Tookie Williams, the founder of the murderous Crips gang who awaited execution after midnight in a case that set off a debate over the possibility of redemption on death row."

Just what decent folks needed for the Holiday season. A dead murderer to be thankful for. And sure I'd throw the switch or push the button or inject the needle. Killing another bad guy wouldn't effect my karma one way or the other. Offing a brutal killer would please me to no end, and I better stop before I get all sentimental here and start sniffling.


"The governor's 96-hour wait to give an answer was a cowardly act and was tortuous," said former "M A S H" star Mike Farrell, a death penalty opponent. "I would suggest that had he the courage of his convictions he could have gone over to San Quentin and met with Stanley Williams himself and made a determination rather than letting his staff legal adviser write this garbage."

LMAO! Poor lefty Mikey. His pet killer is going to die and that saddens him oh so much. One of the hilarious, strike that, interesting things about the Tookster is his continued refusal to apologize for the brutal murder spree that led to his being in this predicament to begin with. That's called being tough for the gang, ya see. Can't be havin' no Crips bros thinkin' he yellowed out to save his ass now, 'stand?

His date with the needle is 3:00 AM eastern time so I'll be blissfully abed...that's if I can get any sleep thinking of old Took freezing under the influence of the drugs that will slowly choke the life out of him. Maybe, if the good lord is merciful, just maybe we'll get a gurgle out of him, the same type of gurgle he laughed about when one of his victims died.

Damn but don't I wish someone was there to record that and make one cool ass wav file.

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