Friday, January 27, 2006

Huffington Roasts...

Not that I like calling attention to poorly done blogs...oh yeah, then why mention PJ Media...and the Huffington affair is as bad as bad gets, but anything that gets Tim Russert's goat is fun to watch:

New York Daily News - Home - Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: Big fuss over claims about Little Russ

"Celebrity blogger Arianna Huffington regularly attacks "Meet the Press" moderator Tim Russert as a Washington insider who gets chummy with the powerful. Usually there's no response.
But now Huffington has really gotten under Russert's skin - to the point of drawing blood.
Yesterday the entire NBC News publicity machine went ballistic on the impresario of, whose Web site is eight months old.
"The last time we heard from Ms. Huffington, she was hiring private eyes to investigate reporters," NBC News flack Barbara Levin E-mailed me yesterday, resurrecting an old charge that Huffington has repeatedly denied, including personally to Russert in 1996."

Ah yes. To be wealthy with a lot of time on your hands. I mean Huffy not Timmy. Two lightweights prospering from the attention of the easily fooled masses.

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