Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State Of The Union

"...and make our dependence on Middle Eastern oil a thing of the past..."

W was good tonight. Said the above in explaining the need to wean ourselves away from foreign energy sources. And it's word for word what Jimmy Carter said in 1976. Not going to happen anytime soon. No secret international cabal in the way as the moonbats would have you believe, just hard facts. We do not have the technology to displace fossil fuels in automobiles. We DO have the technology for replacing these energy sources in homes and business, but the Democrats scream bloody murder at the mere mention of nuclear.

"A life of personal responsibility is a life worth living."

"Judges must be servants of the law and not legislate from the bench."

Then he went on to talk about "human life is a gift from our creator," in dismissing cloning and I let him off on this one because it's what he truly believes in. Better a man that speaks from the heart and not from the a puppeteer. Cloning is here to stay and there's nothing W nor anyone can do to squeeze the genii back.

Overall, I give him a B. I do not agree with everything he says but do applaud his sincerity.


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Speak yer peace, fella's