Monday, February 13, 2006

Ankle Biting...

"...Only Al Gore, in the alternative universe he lives in, could imagine that a majority of Americans think it's a mistake to be more strict with the Saudis and the attempts of its citizens to enter the country."

Ankle Biting Pundits retort to the insane ramblings of a former Vice President of these United States. You know; the one who invented all this.

And yes, if we don't kiss Saudi ass we don't get oil. Every administration has known this, and even the loons don't dare trash the Saudi's for fear they'll cut off those generous donations to deals such as the Clinton Library. Oil is the great uniter of those who would be opposites. But for Gore to say the ridiculous things he said would be beyond belief were this to have come from another man.

But this is the guy who upon arriving in office and while on tour of the grounds and museums of D.C., sidled up to a bust of George Washington and asked "And who might this rather distinguished looking gentleman be?"

He's really not the scumdog traitor he appears to be. He's just really really dumb. Okay, maybe a teensy traitorish too.


Speak yer peace, fella's