Saturday, February 11, 2006

Computer Problems...

Spent most of the AM working on a pc glitch. Everything works fine until I try signing on to AOL. The I get the blue screen of death informing me that Windows has shut down because a Page Fault In Non-Paged Area has occured in file IntelC52.sys.

That file turns out to be the modem. So when I click to log onto AOL it takes me as far as the modem kicking in then poof. Hadn't added any new programs or changed a bloody thing, and the remediation suggested is some form of twisted greek incomprehensible to all but the long dead followers of Leonidas.

So I uninstall AOL, run various programs to check on the modem, and nothing works. Finally had to crank up this computer just to get online and it's a helluva lot slower. Was using it mostly for word processing because the new piece of shit Dell didn't even come with Microsoft Word and word crunching was ludicrous.

So I fussed then took a break after setting this old nag back up on the main desk from which Lisa and I use AOL. Haven't even contacted Dell as of yet because that usually turns out to be a chore in and of itself and they rarely fix anything.

Haven't read today's news or checked what's happening on the web, aside from the usual eBay auctions, but I'll be back soon with a real posting or two when time permits.


  1. Did you ever solve this? Same error, Dell not helpful, Intel not helpful, can't find IntelC52.sys file anywhere to reinstall. Does this mean I have to buy a new modem?

  2. It was the modem itself that was crapped out. I was forced to install another modem because nothing else worked.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Having exactly the same problem "blue screen of death with intelc52.sys" when connecting to the intenet via the Intel 537EPG PCI modem on a dimension 3100 from Dell. Dell hotline not helpful.
    To get online you need to deinstall the modem driver and restart the system which will install the modem again. This will work until the next blue screen will occur.

  4. Hey thanks a lot. Appreciate the advice.


Speak yer peace, fella's