Sunday, February 12, 2006

Deadeye Dick

Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter WASHINGTON (AP)
"Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and injured a man during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, his spokeswoman said Sunday. Harry Whittington, 78, was "alert and doing fine" after Cheney sprayed him with shotgun pellets on Saturday while the two were hunting at the..."

Birdshot is nothing to sneeze at, but deadly to a full grown man it is not.Would have thought old Dick had more discipline and smarts, so I would have thought wrong. Now, the idjit who got himself a face full of pellets was the one not practicing safe hunting techniques, going behind a group of hunters then exiting amidst a flock of birds, so my beef with Dick isn't that he was responsible for a negligent discharge.

Accidents happen.

But to be out in public with a lawyer?

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