Friday, February 03, 2006

Hill The Shrill

John Podhoretz on RodHams latest missteps...

"...One survey suggests only 16 percent of Americans will vote for her for president. In a head-to-head match-up with Republican Sen. John McCain, she loses by 20 points. Even here in her sort-of home state, polls of New Yorkers suggest they don't want her to run for any office higher than Senator and that they don't think she can win any office higher than senator. A article in the New Republic — a very silly article, but one that's gotten some attention nonetheless — states that because she isn't wildly popular near Buffalo, Hillary can't possibly appeal to voters elsewhere.
The wacko Internet Left — the ingathering that has taken to calling itself the "Netroots" — has been expressing its dissatisfaction with her for months now, largely because she hasn't changed direction and said she was sorry to have voted for the Iraq war and the defense appropriations that have followed it.
In response to attacks, Hillary has tried to shore up her Netroots. She released an incoherent 1,600-word letter in December explaining that even though she voted for the war, she is second to none in her condemnation of the way the Bush people fought the war and failed to secure the peace.
On Tuesday, she voted to support the ridiculous attempt to filibuster the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court — something she almost certainly wouldn't have done a year ago, but had to do this time to give the Netroots its props.
And on Tuesday night, she sat stone-faced during the State of the Union Address, refusing to crack even the slightest smile when the president made a fond reference to her husband and his friendship with the president's dad. She's been getting some heat for that too."

Bottom line: The netnuts and those like them are the ones who decide primary's. To be nominated one must cater to loons if one is running on the loon ticket. Once nominated, anything can happen, and even a value-challenged crook like Rod can be elected President if the stars are properly aligned. It worked for Blowjob Billy and can work for her as well, so expect to see the many (all ugly) faces of Hillary in the months to come.

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